We Believe In Our Products

We sell and rent out high quality fiber optic equipment. At ABS Rents, we only offer top quality equipment because we believe the best way to get the job done is having the right tools and equipment to support the job. Because we believe any job is easy when you have the right tool. With that being said, we offer our equipment at very competitive pricing because we want our clients to come back not only for the quality but for the reasonable price.

Three Place Turret Reel Trailer

Our equipment is an advancement in technology by taking a multiple-man job, and getting more production done with half the man power. This is so important these days because of not only the struggle to find workers but the convenience and simplicity for workers to get the job done fast and efficiently with ⅓ less staff. Our equipment helps save hours of labor and decreases the chances for error.

You’ll learn about just some of the key features our products have that make such a difference compared to others products below.

Gas Hydraulic Single Reel Trailer

solar panels for easy power, roller bars for effortless rotating, hydraulics to maneuver up and down with the touch of a button, and a wheel assist to completely eliminate pulling fiber by hand.

Ditch Witch Vibratory Plow (RT115)

vibratory plow that can lay miles of conduit in just one day and includes 4 tracks instead of tires to avoid tires popping and easy maneuvering on unlevel terrain.

Plumett Mini Jet

Super and mini jets that blow fiber effortlessly into the ground at a steady pace by using only an air compressor, The belt drive system ensures excellent cable grip without damage and the clamping system absorbs cable diameter tolerances. In addition, there advanced design and construction improves installation performance.

Condux Fiber Puller

Condux Fiber Optic Cable Pullers consist of a hydraulic motor, variable speed foot control, manual flow control valve for adjusting maximum speed and a manually adjustable pressure relief valve for adjusting the ultimate pull tension. They are also equipped to perform as an H frame or a hitch mount for easy use however you find best suited.

We truly believe in what we offer because we have seen it work and have client after client return to buy/rent again and again because we have found ways to make the job of laying fiber that much easier just by having the right equipment.

Call ABS Rents today to learn more about any of our products and/or proud partners so we can help you get the job done with the right tool.


Fiber Blowing - 10 Tips to Properly Blow Fiber


Why ABS Rents?